Wednesday, October 03, 2012

the detectors host seeking a Congressional investigation 10/03 by DAnne Burley Show | Blog Talk Radio

the detectors host seeking a Congressional investigation 10/03 by DAnne Burley Show | Blog Talk Radio

I D’Anne Burley former Deputy Clerk of a court of Illinois and who had worked within the justice system for years and now a media personally with connections to those who are whistleblowers who are formerly employees of either the Justice System and or employed within businesses and privatized commercial companies that receive government backed ear marks and or other leverages because of campaign donations that we have a rising issue of corruption which is being covered up.
Because of the very nature of these conflicts and corruptions which I have reported over the years I and members of my family have become  victims of a open door conspiracy to bankrupt and harm me and anyone else who helps me to shut me up.
I am filing within public view facts of Corruption and Conflicted Interest with political parties by the hands  and knowledge of elected officials what are involved in practices which are not only conflicted but unethical but allow because the general public has no clue to the money within privatized contracts offered up to the courts and those within the government so they can maintain the support and money to keep within their office and or for the purpose of greed because each of the privatized firms get ear marks and or contribute money to political campaigns which in the ends adds to the vase hidden income that these officials have that can turn them into Millionaires within their given office.
Prior to the upcoming election we need to demand Audits of the financial records of the courts of America and within these audits the public needs to be allow an accounting by this audit of private social agencies and others who have offered up funding for campaigns which can be viewed as a conflicted interest if the courts gain to benefit and from rulings that cause the incarceration of men women and children in order to maintain a relationship with those who will fund them in the end.
This issue is not estrange as it happened within Illinois Greylord case and the current case of entrapment of African Americans in Illinois under the Police Departments officer Burges who years beat had blacks placed in prison who did nothing in order to assist and aid in political campaigns that had made the Chicago Police look as if they were cleaning up the streets of Illinois. See
City to payout 7 million in corruption case but what about loss lives
The very same corruption had happened in the case of Rolando Cruz and others who were arrested in the case of a little girl murdered in Naperville Illinois by Serial Killer Bryan Dugan. Again it was about the elevation of those within high positions such as States Attorneys, attorneys of the courts and the police working hand and hand in order to allow politicians to get good public opinion polls and then receive grafts and other money to justify their ability to maintain their office while citizens were setup and victimized within the conditions of corruption within the very system we rely on to adjudicate and hear cases of voting fraud and other corruption.
States Attorney involved now a Supreme Court Judge of Illinois
Others who were locked away who did nothing

Other Cases

Many of those within are involved in not upholding the constitution nor are they involved in the upholding their sworn oath of Office which if in violation of this by either not investigating crimes both to them and or refusing to act because their conflicted roles involved money, bonuses for bringing in revenue to their private sponsors who then contribute to their campaigns.
  I’m asking those on Face book and all of those who follow me to talk to family friends and others who you know to create a presence within my site to stand up to this corruption prior to any election.
We need to audit court records and those of the policing agencies to make sure that conflicts do not exist and we need outsiders to conduct this audit and have the Congress open a investigative hearing on this ongoing issue.
Please email me if you support this cause, because we will not have a fair election nor can we expect to be treated fairly within the courts if the courts themselves maybe involved in allowing conflicted interest to afflict the outcome of hearing across the United States.
Kids for Cash Justices involved in making children into cash in the courts

DOJ Alleged involvement

The solution is simple we need audits and stop candidates for the office of Judgeship from being allowed backdoor grafts in order to make sure they have hidden sources of revenue created at the Citizens of the United States of America’s expense.
Stand up and yes, we can create change if we stand in numbers against this ongoing corruption which has plagued the Courts of America.
Sincerely yours
Talk Show Host D’Anne Burley

Greylord survivor
FBI report


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