The detectors radio network presents 08/30 by DAnne Burley Show | Radio Podcasts
The detectors radio network presents 08/30 by DAnne Burley Show | Radio Podcasts
What is really happening within Syria and the movement of millions into different parts of Europe. Also with the up and down trend of Wall street is the showing us a more dangerous condition of the soon collapse of the economy before the year end. This program is Hosted by D'Anne Burley and co-hosted by Bob Jones we will also be interviewing Harley from the Lyndon Larouche Party of the hidden factors that the press is not telling you please listen and pass on.... thanks
What is really happening within Syria and the movement of millions into different parts of Europe. Also with the up and down trend of Wall street is the showing us a more dangerous condition of the soon collapse of the economy before the year end. This program is Hosted by D'Anne Burley and co-hosted by Bob Jones we will also be interviewing Harley from the Lyndon Larouche Party of the hidden factors that the press is not telling you please listen and pass on.... thanks